Staying ahead of the game, V.Successful time at the the MEBAA Show 2024, it was buzzing with activity, connected with professionals and explored the latest innovations in business aviation. From stunning aircraft displays to thought-provoking BizAv Talks sessions on sustainability (Great insights contacts and bringing back Future plans to implement some far reaching ideas and technology, !!, the future of aviation.
Executive Helicopters, Galway, Ireland
Local Tel: 0909749764
International: 00353-9097-49764
Email: [email protected]
Executive Helicopters are Licenced and Approved by the Irish Aviation Authority & Departments of Transport and Commission for Aviation Regulation.
AOC No. IRL. 41/07 | Operating Licence No. 01/12 | Part 145 IE.145.047 | CAMO IE.MG.041